If you grew up with an alcoholic mother or father, you might relate to these common traits of adult children of alcoholics (ACoAs) when it comes to matters of the heart. It’s important to recognize these traits so that you can work on them first in your healing journey. Do you identify with any of these traits?
Common Adult Child of an Alcoholic Traits Affecting Romantic Relationships
- Codependency
- Fear of commitment
- Low self-esteem, causing controlling behavior
- Lack of trust
- Fear of abandonment
- Trouble expressing feelings
- Get walked on/never standing up for themselves
- Addiction including workaholism
They’re all familiar to me. Fear of commitment and fear of abandonment have been the biggest struggles. They are what kept me super single for many years! It was easier to stay single than to fall in love and risk getting hurt. I was love-avoidant, while other ACoAs go the opposite way. One of the most surprising commonalities among adult children of alcoholics is how many of them end up in repeated, unhealthy romantic relationships. As kids, many children of alcoholics vow to never be with someone like their alcoholic parent. However, when these kids grow up, many find themselves drawn to partners who are alcoholics or addicted to something else.
What to Do About Your Common ACoA Traits
The good news is that by recognizing these common tendencies and characteristics, you can focus your healing efforts on those areas.
If these common traits of ACoAs are familiar to you, I hope you’re well on your healing journey. Check out these articles: