There is a reason why when on a flight, the airlines instructs you to put your own oxygen mask on before you help the people next to you, in the event of an emergency.
Your only job in life is to take good care of you – to make sure that you are healthy, happy and safe. That’s it. You’re not responsible for your mother, your father, your siblings, your spouse or your adult children. This simple concept was foreign to me my whole life. As an adult child of an alcoholic, I never understood the critical importance of making sure that I was okay.
My whole life, I was busy trying to save my mother from her substance use disorder and to keep everything together in our home. I was taking care of my father and my sister – trying to be the glue to make sure everything was staying together. In the process, I never focused on taking good care of me. As I’ve been working on creating the life that I want and deserve, I have recognized how important it is for me to focus on taking care of me.
You are no good to anybody if you are unhealthy and not pursuing serenity.
That is the very reason why the airlines tell you put the oxygen mask on yourself first. I hope that you keep that simple fact top of mind every day.
When it feel selfish or wrong, you’re probably doing the right thing for you.
I’m interested to know, in the comments, how are you making taking good care of yourself a priority or how are you failing to do that. What are your challenges?
I hope you are so well in your journey and that you are building the life that you want and deserve.