Five years or so ago, I saw this bike for sale.
I’ve never been particularly interested in biking of any kind – slowly down a main street or thrillingly up the hilly trails. The last time I biked any real distance was to make it to class on time in college.
But when I saw this bike, I could picture myself riding around town with a sense of serenity. I felt the breeze against my skin. I heard the town sounds.
I could feel freedom. Yes, FREEDOM on a vintage-style bike with a bell.
I shall buy a bike and bike around town! I’m really great at identifying things that would be great for taking care of me!
I never bought the bike. I never rode around town. I haven’t biked at all.
I never did most everything that once struck me as something I really have to do…for me.
Today, I thought of this bike. I thought about all the things I never do. I thought about how often I’ve stood in the exact same place on this planet without doing anything differently.
The excuses arrived.
This happened. That happened. I don’t have time. I can’t help it. I’m an ACOA with all kinds of things to sort out.
I can’t believe that I fall for my own B.S. day in and day out.
I suck.
Maybe it’s end-of-the-year reflection, anxiety-filled holidays and my looming birthday but today, I didn’t fall for my own B.S. because oh yeah, I am an adult woman living in the United States of America.
I am 100% free.
I can control me and everything about my life.
So why do I not bike?! DAMN IT.
You know that thing that makes you think, “I should do that because it’d be good for me?”
Throw away your eloquent BS. Cut the self-created red tape and do it.
I hope you will.
Very helpful. Will go out for some sunshine.
Sounds great. Sunshine is powerful.