Hi! I’m Jody Lamb. I guide adult children of alcoholics through healing from the past and building lives they truly love.
Start healing today.
Break free from the traits that hold you back as children of alcoholics and embrace your full potential.
Heal from the past.
Reclaim your power.
Create a life you love.
I offer clear, compassionate systems to help you get unstuck and transform your life with purpose and joy.
Sign up for my email list to receive free tips and strategies that empower you to heal, overcome your past and create a brighter future. Let’s walk this journey together!
The Book
Discover 7 Things That Change Everything, a concise and impactful guide to help adult children of alcoholics kickstart their healing journey. 🙂
The Articles
After 15 years of personal growth and learning, I’m here to share what truly works. Explore my top articles on healing, setting boundaries, and more.
The main topics I share about most often:
- For those who grew up with an alcoholic parent: how to heal from the effects of a parent’s addiction and build a life you love.
- For everyone: how to become a happier, more fulfilled person by building self-care and healthy-living habits, one step at a time.